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Gender and Psychoanalysis
Father and Daughter: Identification with Difference — A Contribution to Gender Heterodoxym p2021-04-28T09:31:02+03:00
Reply to Schwartzm p2021-04-28T09:31:02+03:00
Sameness and Difference: Toward an “Overinclusive” Model of Gender Developmentm p2021-04-28T09:31:02+03:00
Melancholy Gender—Refused Identificationm p2021-04-28T09:31:02+03:00
Response to Lynne Layton’s: “The Doer behind the Deed Tensions and Intersections between Butler’s Vision of Performativity and Relational Psychoanalysis”m p2021-04-28T09:31:02+03:00
Gender on the Modern-Postmodern and Classical-Relational Divide: Untangling History and Epistemologym p2021-04-28T09:31:02+03:00
Gender Nowm p2021-04-28T09:31:02+03:00
Boyhood Femininity, Gender Identity Disorder, Masculine Presuppositions, and the Anxiety of Regulationm p2021-04-28T09:31:02+03:00
Little Hans: Masculinity Foretoldm p2021-04-28T09:31:02+03:00
The shaping of masculinity: Revisioning boys turning away from their mothers to construct male gender identitym p2021-04-28T09:31:02+03:00
Deconstructing Difference: Gender, Splitting, and Transitional Spacem p2021-04-28T09:31:02+03:00
The Body as Rorschachm p2021-04-28T09:31:03+03:00
Primary Femininity, Bisexuality, And The Female Ego Ideal: A Re-Examination Of Female Developmental Theorym p2021-04-28T09:31:03+03:00
Gender Configurations: Relational Patterns in Heterosexual, Lesbian, and Gay Male Couplesm p2021-04-28T09:31:03+03:00
Aspects of Core Gender Identitym p2021-04-28T09:31:03+03:00
Some Psychical Consequences of the Anatomical Distinction between the Sexesm p2021-04-28T09:31:04+03:00
Three essays on sexuality Part II: Infantile Sexualitym p2021-04-28T09:31:04+03:00
Offending Gender: Being and Wanting in Male Same-Sex Desirem p2021-04-28T09:31:04+03:00
Obsolete Terminology Constricts Imaginative Thinkingm p2021-04-28T09:31:04+03:00
Toward a Critical Relational Theory of Genderm p2021-04-28T09:31:04+03:00
Dis-Identifying from Mother: Its Special Importance for the Boym p2021-04-28T09:31:04+03:00
The Middle Men: An Introduction to the Transmasculine Identitiesm p2021-04-28T09:31:04+03:00
Melancholy Femininity and Obsessive—Compulsive Masculinity: Sex Differences in Melancholy Genderm p2021-04-28T09:31:04+03:00
The Doer behind the Deed: Tensions and Intersections between Butler’s Vision of Performativity and Relational Psychoanalysism p2021-04-28T09:31:04+03:00
Therapy across the Sexual Orientation Boundary: Reflections of a Heterosexual Female Analyst on Working with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Patientsm p2021-04-28T09:31:04+03:00
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