From Dialogical Practices to Polyphonic Thought? Developmental Inquiry and Where to Look for it.
Bamberg, Michael and Barbara Zielke
Bamberg, Michael and Barbara Zielke
Beebe, John
Bertau, Marie-Cécile and Miguel Gonçalves
Colle, Livia and Elisa Grandi
Cunha, Carla
Drewery, Wendy
Eun, Barohny, Steven E. Knotek, and Audrey L. Heining-Boynton
Frank, Arthur W
Guilfoyle, Michael
Hermans, Hubert J.M.
Hermans, Hubert J.M.
Kvale, Steinar
Leary, David E.
Lyra, Maria
Lysack, Mishka
Lysaker, Judith
Lysaker, John and Paul Lysaker
Lysaker, Paul Henry, John Timothy Lysaker, and Judith Thompson Lysaker.
Molina, María Elisa and María Teresa del Río
Patton, Wendy A.
Raggatt, Peter T.F.
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